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Funding + Support

Support for Scotland’s
rural businesses

There are many funding schemes in place to help agricultural businesses, farmers and crofters in Scotland. Find out more about the schemes you could qualify for, and how the HiLs Ltd team can help.


The Agri-Environment Climate Scheme supports land management practices that protect Scotland’s natural landscape and mitigate the causes of climate change.


The Basic Payment Scheme gives farmers financial support to operate an agricultural business. Payments are given in proportion to the size of the land.


The Crofting Agricultural Grant Scheme is a funding system for crofting businesses, their owner-occupiers and tenants. It helps to cover the cost of crofting equipment and operations.


The Croft House Grant Scheme supports the building and maintenance of crofter homes, making it easier for crofters to live within a 30km radius of their croft.


The Integrated Administration and Control System outlines the rules of the Single Application Form (SAF), which determines eligibility for grants including the Basic Payment Scheme (BPS).


The Less Favoured Area Support Scheme provides disadvantaged people in areas facing natural or other economic constraints with an annual support grant.


The Scottish Suckler Beef Support Scheme is a grant for specialist beef producers, helping them to manage and care for their herd. The scheme pays out per calf.


The Scottish Upland Sheep Support Scheme gives financial support for farm businesses with sheep flocks reliant upon poor-quality grazing ground.