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The demand for the maintenance and development of utilities across Scotland is moving at an accelerated pace. HiLs can represent your interests as either a landowner, crofter or tenant farmer who may be impacted by utility’s projects, please contact us for further information.

HiLs are experienced in representing clients’ interests and working closely with stakeholders on the negotiation of disturbance claims, wayleaves, deeds of servitude, access requests and reinstatement works across Scotland. Our fees are covered by the utility company in most cases.


Due to Scotland’s ambitions of reaching Net Zero renewable energy projects are increasing are ever increasing.

If you have been approached by a renewables company to site or service a renewable energy project HiLs can represent your interests, whether it be owner or occupier of the land in question. Our fees in most cases will be covered by the developer.

HiLs have extensive experience representing landowners, crofters, tenants and Common Grazing shareholders in renewable energy negotiations. With a strong understanding of stakeholder interests along with legislation we are well placed to offer support, guidance and negotiate with your best interests in mind.